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陳慧蓉,女,中國文化大學新聞學系專任副教授 專長與研究領域 符號學/符號敘事理論 Semiotics/Semio-Narrative Theory 全球化理論與文化/跨文化傳播 Globalization Theories and Culture/Cross-Cultural Communication 性別研究/女性與國族 Gender Studies/Women and Nationalism 新媒體、社群、與認同/民主與公領域理論 New Media, Community and Identity/Democracy and the Public Sphere 傳播理論 Communication Theories


  • 紐約州立大學奧伯尼分校傳播所博士
  • 德州理工大學大眾傳播所碩士
  • 中國文化大學新聞學系學士


  • 中國文化大學新聞學系教學卓越計劃辦公室主任
  • 中國文化大學新聞學系副教授
  • 中國文化大學新聞學系助理教授
  • 紐約州立大學奧伯尼分校傳播學系講師
  • WAMC 紐約州公共廣播電台實習
  • 卓越雜誌採訪記者/編輯

學術著作 期刊論文與著作: 陳慧蓉(2012),〈台灣媒體的馬其維利拉扯〉,《國家政策展望》,台北:翰蘆出版社。 Huey-Rong Chen (2008),Youth Leadership – Cultural Resources and Political Participation under the Interpenetration between Globalization and Localization, Essays on United Nations Summits, Taipei: Institute for National Development, pp. 199-215. Huey-Rong Chen (2008),Toward a Common Culture from Journalism: Media Literacy and Citizen’s Everyday Lives Participation, Education Resources and Research, Vol. 80, p.37-52. Huey-Rong Chen (2007),Citizen Participation Beyond Media Literacy and Text under a Taiwanese Context: From Marginal Resistance to Mainstream Education, Education Resources and Research, Vol. 79, p.143-156. Huey-Rong Chen (2003),The Interpenetration of Globalization and Localization: Images and Action of Gender in Global and Local Brands Advertising in Contemporary Taiwan (paper accepted), NATSA (North America Taiwan Studies Association), publication of the 9th NATSC Conference Journal. Janis L. Edwards & Huey-Rong Chen (2000), The First Lady/First Wife in Editorial Cartoons: Rhetorical Visions Through Gendered Lenses, Women’s Studies in Communication, 23(3), pp. 367-391. 學術研討會論文: Huey-Rong Chen (2014), From Tactics of Social Roles to the Trajectory of Identity: Uses and Practices of Native Languages in Contemporary Taiwanese Cinema, 16th IADA(International Association of Dialogue Analysis), accepted, Braşov, Romania, June 5th –June 8th. 陳慧蓉(2013),台灣的媒體文化 –共同的落差與追尋,台灣文化學術研討會,李登輝民主協會。12月7日,台北:台灣大學社會科學院國際會議中心。 Huey-Rong Chen (2011), Whose Japan is this? Decoding the Cultural Proximity and Cultural Appropriatio of “Japanese-ness” by Taiwanese and Japanese Commercials in Taiwan, IAICS (International Association of Inter-Cultural Communication Studies), San Cristoba de la Casa, Mexico, 6-10, June. Huey-Rong Chen (2011), The Materiality and Narrativity of a Reflexive Gaze: a semio-narrative approach to realize the dialogical (re)presentation of historical memory and dialectics in Michael Haneke’s Caché, 13th IADA (International Association of Dialogue Analysis), Montreal, Canada, 26-30 April. Huey-Rong Chen (2010), The Time-Space Construction/Self-Presentation of a National Identity of Heterogeniety – a semio-narrative analysis of cultural citizenship and Symbolic Meanings of Taiwanese Indigenous People in the 2009 World Game Openning Ceremony Performance, ANZCA (Australia and New Zealand Communication Association), Canberra, Australia, July 7-9, 2010. Huey-Rong Chen (2010), Gender, National Vision, and Charismatic Leadership: A Comparison of Leadership Rhetoric between Taiwanese and American Female Politicians -- the case of Presidential Candidate Hillary R. Clinton and Oppositional Party Chairwoman Tsai, Ing-Wen, 20th Annual Conference of ASEN (Association of Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism), LSE, London, U.K., 13-15, April, 2010. Huey-Rong Chen (2009), The Materiality of Reflexive Gaze: A Semio-Narrative Approach to “Realize” the Obduracy of Historical Memory in Michael Haneke’s “Cache,”, (accepted), paper presented in the 10th IASS-AIS World Congress (International Association of Semiotics Studies), A Coruna, Spain, 22-26 September 2009, Conference Theme: Cultural of Communication, Communication of Culture. Huey-Rong Chen (2009), Sign Values and Brand Glocalization: The Construction of “Something” in Taiwanese Coffee and Tea Brands Advertising, (accepted), paper presented in the 15th IAICS (International Association for Inter-Cultural Communication Studies), World Conference 2009, Kumamoto Gakuen University, Kumamoto, Japan, 18-20 September, 2009, Conference Theme: Intercultural Communication and Collaboration within and across Sociolinguistic Environments. 陳慧蓉(2009),〈啟動公民社會的對話與參與 – 媒體識讀教育的公民通識性與新聞專業性〉,《專題座談Media Literacy 教學核心與教學實施 – 不同典範下的檢視》,中華傳播學會年會,6-8 July,玄奘大學,新竹,會議主題:未來的傳播,傳播的未來。 Huey-Rong Chen (2009), From Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7 to Taiwanese Film “Cape No. 7”: the “Realization” of Taiwanese Identity/Nationality through Cultural Globalization/Localization, (accepted), paper presented in the 19th ASEN Conference (Association of Studies on Ethnicity and Nationalism), London School of Economics, London, 31 March – 2 April, Conference Theme: Nationalism and Globalization. Huey-Rong Chen (2008), How to Activate Citizen Participation Through Media Literacy? –A Taiwanese Context, (accepted), IAMCR (International Association of Mass Communication Research), World Congress 2008, Stockholm 20-25 July, Convention Theme: Media and Global Divides. Huey-Rong Chen (2007), The Interface of Cultural Transformation and Global Connections: Island Nations of Modernity Realization and World Consciousness(文化轉變與全球連結的界面—島國的現代性行進與世界意識),台日次世代對談Taiwan-Japan Next Generation Dialogue 2007, Taiwan International Studies Association (TISA 台灣國際研究學會) and Tokyo Foundation(TKFD 東京財團) 主辦, Taipei, 會議主題: 全球化世界中的地方性價值。 Huey-Rong Chen (2007), When Feminist Subjectivity Conflicts with Masculine Memory: Taiwanese Women’s Citizenship in Internet Political Forum – a Semio-Narrative Approach, (accepted), the 9th IASS/AIS Congress, International Association of Semiotic Studies, Helsinki, Convention Theme: Communication: Understanding/Misunderstanding. Huey-Rong Chen (2007), Glocalization for Something, Nothing, or Something Else? : Narrative Consequences of Cultural Hybridity in the Global Brands Advertising Campaigns in Taiwan, 6th Biennial Convention of the Pacific & Asian Communication Association, Honolulu, Convention Theme: Communication, Culture and Business. Huey-Rong Chen (2006), Media Democracy, Masculinity, and Nationalism: Women’s Citizenship in Internet Political Forum, paper presented for the 12th NATSA (North America Taiwan Studies Association) Conference. Huey-Rong Chen (2005), “Top-Three” Student Paper, Continuity and Dialogical Hybridity in Global and Local Commercials in Taiwan, Feminist Scholarship Division, ICA(International Communication Association) Huey-Rong Chen (2004), The Interpenetration of Globalization and Localization: Gender, Modernity and Local Identity in Global and Local Brands Commercials in Contemporary Taiwan, IASS-AIS (International Association for Semiotic Studies) Huey-Rong Chen & Dr. Janis L. Edwards (1999), Patriarchal Confinement of the First Lady in the Editorial Cartoons: Domesticating Barbara and Hillary, SUNY Albany, “Top-Three” paper, Central States Communication Assn./Southern States Communication Association. Huey-Rong Chen & Dr. Jerry C. Hudson (1994), Sex Role of Women in Taiwanese Magazine Advertisements: A Comparison between 1982 and 1992, AEJMC, Southwest Conference, Department of Mass Communication, Texas Tech University. 研究計畫 2011年,中國文化大學鷹揚計劃,學術研究補助,研究主題:「性別多元與社會建構: 同志、跨性別、與性別平等意識學生的校園行動經驗與對話」 2010年,中國文化大學鷹揚計劃,學術研究補助,研究主題:「新聞專業與媒體識讀 中的公民敘事觀點:公領域信任的重建」 2009年,教育部,學術研討會補助,〈「數位時代下的傳播產業發展及新聞傳播教育」學術研討會〉(A Conference on the Development of Mass Media and Communication Education in the Digital Era, 2009)。研討會主題:主動閱聽人的網脈人際 – Web 2.0時代的新聞政策、產業、教育、與社群。中國文化大學新聞系(所)主辦,國家傳播通訊委員會協辦。 2007年,國科會,學者參加IASS-AIS(國際符號學研究年會)國際會議旅費補助 2006年,「媒體識讀」課程,教育部通識教育改進計劃--現代類,教育部顧問室人文社會科學教育先導型計畫95學年度上學期。 2005年, Minority Student Travel Grant, ICA (International Communication Association) 2003年,Conference Travel Grant, GSO (Graduate Student Association), SUNY Albany 獲獎 Huey-Rong Chen (2005), Top Three Student Paper Award, Feminist Scholarship Division, International Communication Association (ICA). Huey-Rong Chen (1999), Top Three Paper Award, Central States Communication Assn./Southern States Communication Association.