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陳炳煇 Ping-Hei Chen,男,國立臺灣大學終身特聘教授。微機械熱流控制實驗室。


Ping-Hei Chen was born in Taichung, Taiwan on Aug. 31, 1958. He received the B. Sc. Degree in Mechanical Engineering from National Taiwan University in 1980. He then received the M. S. and Ph. D. degree from the University of Minnesota in 1984 and 1988, respectively. Since 1988, he had been an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at National Taiwan University. He was promoted to the full Professor at 1996, then served as the vice-Chairman for two years, and Chairman for three years at Department of Mechanical Engineering in National Taiwan University.

His current research interests are Nanotechnology, MEMS fabrication technology, Biochips, Thermal and Fluid Control in MEMS, and cooling devices for electronic equipments. He has published more than 70 academic journal papers, 100 conference papers, and 10 patents. He is a member of ASME, CSME, CIE, CIAA, and CMEMSS.


  • Ph.D., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Minnesota University (1988) Academic Advisor: Professor Richard J. Goldstein
  • M.S., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Minnesota University (1984) Academic Advisor: Professor Richard J. Goldstein
  • B.S., Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University (1980)


MEMS, Biochips, Diamond film wafer, Nanotechnology, Thermal and Fluid Control in MEMS, and Packaging for optical devices and IC.


  • 科服、人文社會科學平台建置與科技計畫審議,主持人,993,000,106/01/01-106/12/31,科技部。
  • 經表面改質之銅編織線應用於超薄與超長熱管,主持人,1724000,106/08/01-109/07/31,科技部。
  • 大功率動力系統與電動車輛效率提升及可靠度基礎技術研究(IV),主持人,8,000,000,105/11/01-106/10/31,科技部。
  • 如何讓科技計畫研究成果能擴及科技應用提升產業競爭力,主持人,980,000,105/01/01 -105/12/31,科技部。
  • 創新生產力4.0共享平臺之建立與生產力4.0生產製程之驗證,主持人,10,000,000,105/05/01 -106/02/28,科技部。
  • 經表面改質之銅編織線應用於超薄與超長熱管之研究,主持人,5,127,000,105/08/01 -108/07/31,科技部。
  • 新型態產學研鏈結計畫辦公室計畫,主持人,4,760,000,105/09/01 -106/08/31,教育部。
  • 大功率動力系統與電動車輛效率提升及可靠度基礎技術研究(III),主持人,15,500,000,104/11/01-105/10/31,科技部。
  • 如何經由工程科技群組科技計劃的審議來提升台灣產業競爭力之研究,主持人,916,000,104/01/01-104/12/31,科技部。
  • 大功率動力系統與電動車輛效率提升及可靠度基礎技術研究(II),主持人,15,500,000,103/11/01-104/10/31,科技部。
  • 提升政府科技發展計畫產業化績效之研究,主持人,988,000,103/01/01-103/12/31,國科會。
  • 大功率動力系統與電動車輛效率提升及可靠度基礎技術研究(I),主持人,15,500,000,102/11/01- 104/2/1,國科會。
  • 可商用即時定量q-ccPCR平台與試劑檢測,主持人,4,650,000,102/1/1-104/12/31,北京萬泰,Tjing-Ling 102-S-A13
  • 政府科技計畫工程科技群組規劃、審議及管考研究計畫 –讓政府科技計畫成為隱形冠軍的推手,主持人,916,800,102/01/01-102/12/31,國科會。
  • 表面改質對沸騰與冷凝於平板熱管熱傳性能之研究,主持人,3,031,000 102/08/01- 105/07/31,國科會。
  • 迴路式毛細管熱對流PCR平台之研發,3,513,000 102/08/01-105/07/31,國科會。

研究著作 Publications 期刊論文 (Journal Papers): Chiu, Tzu-Keng, Chao, A-Ching Chao, Chou, Wen-Pin, Liao, Chia-Jung Liao, Wang, Hung-Ming, Chang, Jyun-Huan,Chen, Ping-Hei*, and Wu, Min-Hsien*, 2017, “Optically-induced-dielectrophoresis (ODEP)-based cell manipulation in a microfluidic system for high-purity isolation of integral circulating tumor cell (CTC) clusters based on their size characteristics”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, (SCI Journal, accepted). Sujith Kumar, C.S, Chang, Yao Wen and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2017, “Effect of heterogeneous wettable structures on pool boiling performance of cylindrical copper surfaces”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol., 127C, pp. 1184-1193. (SCI)DOI information: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.08.069. Chou, Wen-Pin, Lee, Chien, Hsu, Zong-Jyun, Lai, Mei-Hui, Kuo, Long-Sheng, and Chen, Ping-Hei, 2017, “Development of Capillary Loop Convective Polymerase Chain Reaction Platform with Real-Time Fluorescent Detection”, Invention, Vol. 2, No.1, pp. 3-8. Hsu, Chin-Chi*, Lee, Meng-Ru, Wu, Chun-Hui and Chen, Ping-Hei, 2017, "Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement by Impurities Deposition in Tap Water", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 88, pp. 88-92. (SCI Journal, time cited: 0). 陳炳煇, 2017,「運用績效評估指標以提升科技預算分配效益」,主計月刊,1月號(第733期)。 Hsu, Chin-Chi, Lee, Meng-Ru, Wu, Chun-Hui and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2017, "Effect of Interlaced Wettability on Horizontal Copper Cylinders in Nucleate Pool Boiling", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 112C, pp. 1187-1194. (SCI) (number cited: 2) Sujith Kumar, C.S, Chang, Yao Wen and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2017, “Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement on Cylindrical Surfaces with Hybrid Wettable Patterns”, Journal of Visualized Experiments, Vol. 122, e55387-e55387. (SCI) (time cited: 0) Jeng, Yeau-Ren*, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2017, “Special issue on Industry 4.0 FOREWORD”, Journal of The Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 40, No. 7, pp. 551-551. (SCI Journal). 陳炳煇, 2016,「創新創業、創新產學鏈結」,臺灣經濟論衡,第14券,第四期,冬季號, pp 16-31。 Hsu, Chin-Chi, Wu, Chun-Hui, Sheng, Wei-Kong, Chen, Michael Chen, Kuo Long-Sheng, and Ping-Hei Chen*, 2016, “Improvement of water wetting capability of copper wire braids by surface modification approaches”, International Communication Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 77, pp. 155-158. (SCI) (number cited: 1) Wu, C.H.*, Kang, Dongyang, Chen, Ping-Hei, Dai, Yu-Chong, 2016, “MEMS thermal flow sensor”, Sensors and Actuators, A, Physical, Vol., 241, pp. 135-144. (SCI Journal)(time cited :1) Lee, You-An, Kuo Long-Sheng, Su, Tsung-Wen, Hsu, Chin-Chi, and Chen Ping-Hei*, 2016, “Orientation Effects of Nanoparticle-Modified Surfaces with Inter-laced Wettability on Condensation Heat Transfer”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 98, pp. 1054-1060.(SCI) (number cited: 2) Harihara S, R., Sivabalan, A., Palanikumar, S., Meenarathi, B., Kannammal., L., Chen, P.-H., and Anbarasan, R.*, 2016, “Synthesis and characterization of pH responsive poly(vinyl chloride)”, International Journal of Plastics Technology, Vol. 20, 28-41. (SCI Journal) Hsu, Chin-Chi, Su, Tsung-Wen, Wu, C.-H., Kuo, Long-Sheng, Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2015, " Influence of Surface Temperature and Wettability on Droplet Evaporation", Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 106, 141602. (SCI Journal)(time cited:9) Palanikumar, S., Palanichamy, R., Meenarathi, B., Chen, Hunghsia, Chen, Ping-Hei, and Anbarasan, R.*, 2015, " Role of Amoxicillin Functionalized Fe3O4 on the Settling Velocity of Starch", International Journal of Nanoparticles, Vol. 8, Nos. 3/4, 2015, pp. 201-217. Lee, You-An, Kuo, Long-Sheng, Su Tsung-Wen, Hsu, Chin-Chi, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2015, “Condensation Heat Transfer Enhancement on Surfaces with Interlaced Wettability”, Journal of Advanced Thermal Science Research, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 27-32. (time cited: 2) Zhang, Shiyinm, Xue, Miaoge, Zhang, Jing, Chen, Qingrui, Chen, Jieyu, Wang, Zhantong, Zhou, Wenbin, Chen, Pinghei, Xia, Ningshao,Ge, Shengxiang *, 2014, “A Convenient Nucleic Acid Test Based on Capillary Convective PCR for the On-site Detection of Enterovirus 71,” The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp.452-458. (SCI Journal) (time cited: 2) Hsieh, Yi-Fan, Yang, An-Shik, Chen, Jia-Wei, Liao, Shao-Kai, Su, Tsung-Wen, Yeh, Shiou-Hwei, Chen, Pei-Jer, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2014, "A Lego-like Swappable Fluidic Module for Bio-Chem Applications", Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol. 204, 489-496.(SCI Journal) (time cited: 5) Wu, Chun-Hui, Chen, Chia-Wei, Kuo, Long-Sheng and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2014, “A Novel Approach to Measure the Hydraulic Capacitance of a Microfluidic Membrane Pump," Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 2014, Article ID198620, 2014 (SCI Journal). Hsu, Chin-Chi, Kuo, Long-Sheng, Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2014, “Reversed Boiling Curve Phenomenon on Surfaces with Interlaced Wettability”, AIP Advances, Vol. 4, No. 10, 107110. (SCI Journal) (cited number: 5) Hsu, Chin-Chi, Yang, Da-Chi Yang, Kuo, Long-Sheng, Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2014, "Thermal Performance Improvement of a Cylindrical Thermosyphon with Modified Wettability on Both Evaporator and Condenser Sections", American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 81-89. Meenarathi, B., Chen, H.-H., Chen, P.-H., Anbarasan, R.*, 2014, “Synthesis and characterization of fluorescent bio-degradable Poly (ε-Caprolactone)”, International Journal of Plastics Technology, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 135-145. Sribala MG, Chen, Hung-Hsia, Chen, Ping-Hei, Meenarathi B, Kannammal L, Siva P, Anbarasan R.*, 2013, “Synthesis and Characterizations of Poly (ε-caprolactone) based hydrophobic Copolymers”, Indian Journal of Science, Vol. 5,No., 13, pp. 41-48. (Time cited:1) Yang, A. S.*, Hsieh, Y. F., Tseng, L. Y., Liao, S. K., Wong, M. H., Chen, P. H., 2013, “A Novel Vortex Mixer Actuated by One-Shot Electricity-Free Pumps”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 228, pp. 882-888. (SCI Journal) (time cited:7) Zhang, Shiyinm, Xue, Miaoge, Zhang, Jing, Chen, Qingrui, Chen, Jieyu, Wang, Zhantong, Zhou, Wenbin, Chen, Pinghei, Xia, Ningshao,Ge, Shengxiang *, 2013, “A one-step dipstick assay for the on-site detection of nucleic acid”, Clinical Biochemistry, Vol. 46, pp. 1852-1856. (SCI Journal) (time cited:4) Hsieh, Yi-Fan, Lee, Da-Sheng, Chen, Ping-Hei, Liao, Shao-Kai, Yeh, Shiou-Hwei, Chen, Pei-Jer, and Yang, An-Shik*, 2013, “A real-time convective PCR machine in a capillary tube instrumented with a CCD-based fluorometer”, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, Vol. 183, pp. 434-440. (time cited:5, SCI Journal) Meenarathi, B., Chen, Hung-Hsia, Chen, Ping-Hei, Anbarasan, R *, 2013, “Near infrared dye functionalized MWCNT as an effective initiator for the ring opening polymerization of ε-caprolactone”, J. of Polymer Research, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 1-12. (SCI)(time cited:13) Hsieh, Yi-Fan, Eri, Yonezawa, Kuo, Long-Sheng, Yeh, Shiou-Hwei, Chen, Pei-Jer, and Chen, Ping-Hei*, 2013, “Polymerase chain reaction with phase change as intrinsic thermal control”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 102, No. 17, 173701. (SCI) (cited number:3) Wu, Chun-Hui, Huang, Yi-Shiang, Kuo, Long-Sheng, and Chen, Ping-Hei *, 2013, “The effects of boundary wettability on turbulent natural convection heat transfer in a rectangular enclosure”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 63, pp. 249-254. (SCI Journal) (time cited: 3)

國際會議論文 (International Conference Papers):

Chiu, T. K., Chou W. P., Liao, C. J., Chu, P. Y., Hong J. L., Chen P. H.*, and Wu, M. H.*, 2017, "Development of Optically-Induced-Dielectrophoresis (ODEP)-Based Virtual Cell Microfilters in a Microfluidic Chip for the Isolation of Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) Clusters", 7th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics, Singapore, 2017. Chen, Ping-Hei, 2016, “Experimental Investigation on Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement by Using Interlaced Wettability Surfaces on a Copper Cylinder”, 9th Int. Symposium on Heat Transfer, Beijing, China. Sheng, W. K., Lin, H. T., Wu, C.H. , Kuo, L. S., Chen, P. H., 2017, A Hybrid Surface Modification Method on Copper Wire Braids for Enhancing Thermal Performance of Ultra-thin Heat Pipes, IOP Conference Series: Material Science and Engineering, Vol. 175, 4th International Conference on Competitive Materials and Technology Processes (IC-CMTP4)3 March to 7 October 2016, Miskolc, Hungary, Vol. 175, Paper No. 012023. Su, T. W., Sheng, W. K., Sheng, Justin, S., Kuo, L. S., Hsu, C. C., and Chen P. H.,2015, "Application of Heat Pipes to the Heat Dissipation System of an Air-Cooled Induction Motor", 3rd International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control (IWHT), Taipei City, Taiwan, 2015. Lee, Y. A.,Kuo, L. S., Su, T. W., Hsu, Hsu, and Chen, P. H., 2015, " Orientation Effects of Surfaces with Interlaced Wettability on Condensation Heat Transfer Enhancement", 3rd International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control (IWHT), Taipei City, Taiwan, 2015. Hsu, Chin-Chi, Chiu, Wang-Chun, Kuo, Long-Sheng, and Chen, Ping-Hei, “Effect of a Nanoparitcle-Modified Surface with mixed Wettability on Pool Boiling,”, Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering and Applied Science 2014, Shanghai, China, September 13-15, 2014. Chen, Ping-Hei, Hsu C. C., Kuo L. S., Chiu W. C., 2014, “Complex boiling heat transfer phenomena on nanoparticle-modified surfaces”, 2014 Collaborative Conference on Materials Research (CCMR), Incheon/Seoul, South Korea. Chen Ping-Hei, Chen , Hung-Hsia, Huang Bo-Rui, Kuo Long-Sheng, “Thermal Performance of a Flat Heat Pipe with Gradient Wettability”, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, July 14-19, 2013, Minneapolis, MN, USA. 國內會議論文 (Domestic Conference Papers):

李謙, 郭龍生, 陳炳煇,2016,迴路式毛細管熱對流聚合酶連鎖反應平台的開發與研究。中國機械工程學會第三十三屆全國學術研討會,工業技術研究院中興院區,新竹縣,論文編號:1146 李孟儒、郭龍生、陳炳煇,2016,交錯潤濕性表面於紅銅圓管表面之池沸騰熱傳研究。中國機械工程學會第三十三屆全國學術研討會,國立台灣大學,新竹縣,論文編號: 1047。 M. R. Lee, L. S. Kuo, and P. H. Chen, "The Effects of Different Shapes and nanoparticle-coating of the Heating Surface on Pool Boiling Heat Transfer", 32th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering of CSME, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, 2015. C. Chen, C. Lee, and P.H. Chen, "Development of The Swappable-Modular Micro-Fluidic Device Used in DNA Extraction Technique", 32th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering of CSME, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, 2015 陳炳煇、楊大祺、李祐安、郭龍生、許進吉,表面潤濕性對兩相式熱虹吸管熱傳性能影響之研究,2014中國機械工程學會,台中市 楊宏政、陳駿、陳炳煇,不同的光學機制對即時定量聚合?連鎖反應檢測之影響,2014中國機械工程學會,台中市 陳嘉偉, 謝一帆, 陳炳煇*(2013年12月)。可交換式模組化微流元件之設計與應用。中國機械工程學會第三十屆全國學術研討會,國立宜蘭大學,宜蘭縣,論文編號A02-1344。 楊子正, 謝一帆, 陳炳煇*(2013年12月)。毛細管熱對流聚合酶鍊鎖反應產物專一性檢測機制。中國機械工程學會第三十屆全國學術研討會,國立宜蘭大學,宜蘭縣,論文編號B52-1419。 安正, 吳俊輝, 陳炳煇*(2013年12月)。可調式倍壓整流電路應用在離子風扇開發。中國機械工程學會第三十屆全國學術研討會,國立宜蘭大學,宜蘭縣,論文編號B113-1804。 米澤乃理, 謝一帆, 陳炳煇*(2012年12月)。以蠟燭為熱源進行核酸聚合酶連鎖反應。中國機械工程學會第二十九屆全國學術研討會,國立中山大學,高雄市。 陳炳煇*, 黃柏睿, 陳虹遐(2012年12月)。藉由梯度潤濕度提高平板式熱管熱傳性能之實驗研究。中國機械工程學會第二十九屆全國學術研討會,國立中山大學 高雄市。 黃驛翔, 吳俊輝, 郭龍生, 陳炳煇*(2012年12月)。邊界潤濕性對於矩形密閉容器自然對流熱傳之影響。中國機械工程學會第二十九屆全國學術研討會國立中山大學 高雄市。 蘇丁亮, 謝一帆, 陳炳煇*(2012年12月)。利用光學模擬設計即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應的光學檢測機制。中國機械工程學會第二十九屆全國學術研討會國立中山大學 高雄市。 專利 (Patents):

Chen, Pei-Jer, Chen, Ping-Hei, Chou, Wen-Bin, Hsieh, Yi-Fan, Yeh, Shiou-Hwei, “Methods And Apparatuses For Convective Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)”, European Patent Application EP2235196, 2010 filed. (基亞) 陳炳煇、周文彬、蘇筱涵,2013, “基因檢測設備及基因檢測方法”,中華民國發明專利,發明第I414776號,2013/11/11-2030/5/10。(NTU) 陳培哲、陳炳煇、周文彬、謝一帆、葉秀慧, 2014,“熱對流聚合酶連鎖反應之方法與裝置”, 中華民國發明專利,發明第I445819號,2009/07/08-2029/7/07。(基亞) 陳駿、陳炳煇,2016,”核酸萃取裝置”, 中華民國發明專利,申請號第I565803號,2014/10/21-2033/10/20。


  • 2011: 台大終身特聘教授
  • 2012: Keynote speaker: ISHT-8
  • 2013: Invited Speaker, 20th National CFD Conference
  • 96,99年度: 國科會傑出獎。
  • 102年度:科技部傑出獎。
  • 2015: Member of Editorial Board, Inventions,
  • 2015: 中國工程學刊機械組召集人, 2015-
  • 2016,17: 宗倬章基金會講座教授