施正屏,男,國立台灣師範大學國際人力資源發展研究所退休副教授。 研究專長:計量經濟學、組織行為、專案管理、策略管理
- 美國康乃狄克大學經濟博士
- 國立臺灣師範大學國際人力資源發展研究所退休副教授
- 旺中媒體集團主筆
- 施正屏(2017/01)。The Effect of Intrinsic Motivation and Transformational Leadership on Organizational Commitment of Firefighters in Taiwan。International Journal of Humanities and Management Sciences,4(5)。
- 施正屏(2016/01)。臺灣花卉產業經濟效率分析。台灣農業探索,福建省台灣農業研究中心(2014, 3)。
- 施正屏(2016/01)。The Effect of Knowledge Management Strategies and Enablers on Knowledge Creation Process and Organizational Performance by using Partial Least Squares Regression Method。International Journal of Knowledge and System Science, IGI Global,3(4)。
- 施正屏(2016/01)。Measuring the Effect of Team Characteristics, Team Effectiveness on Organizational Performance, Organizational Survival and Competitiveness: A Case Study of an Indonesian NGO, Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa by Using PLS Method。International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM),7(2)。
- 施正屏(2016/01)。Comparative Analysis on Personality Traits and Motivation on International Students‟s Academic Performance in Universities in Taiwan。International Journal of Humanities and Management Sciences,3(4)。
- 施正屏(2016/01)。Analyzing the Effect of Transformational Leadership on Innovation and Organizational Performance。International Journal of Productivity Management and Assessment Technologies (IJPMAT) , IGI Global,4(2)。
- 施正屏(2013/01)。The Effect of Organizational Trust and Intellectual Capital on Honduran Banking Institutions using Partial Least Square Regression。Journal of International Business Management & Research,4(12)。
- 施正屏(2012/11)。An Econometrics Analysis on the Effect of Satisfaction for Foreign Graduate Students’ Academic Performance in Taiwan。Journal of Learning in Higher Education,Volume 8(Issue 2)。
- 施正屏(2012/08)。臺灣碳稅財政支付移轉至農業部門之最適策略—基於可計算一般均衡模型(CGE)的運用。台灣農業探索,2(第四期)。
- 施正屏(2011/12)。台灣中草藥生技產業技術進步之經濟分析。台灣農業探索, 福建省台灣農業研究中心,2011, 6(6)。
- 施正屏(2011/06)。台灣農業金庫改革效能之經濟分析。台灣農業探索, 福建省台灣農業研究中心,2011, 4(4)。
- 施正屏(2011/06)。An Empirical Study on the Combined Effects of KM Enablers and KM Strategies Organizational Performance: A Case Study of Taiwan ICDF。Review of Management Innovation and Creativity,4(10)。
- 施正屏(2010/08)。低碳農業安全政策模型研究。台灣農業探索, 福建省台灣農業研究中心,2010, 4(第4期(總第105期))。
- 施正屏(2010/03)。The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Business Performance in Taiwanese Design Industry。Journal of Knowledge Management Practice,11(1)。
- 施正屏(2009/04)。新經濟時代兩岸智慧財產權之競爭分析。大陸情勢簡報,行政院大陸委員會。
- 施正屏(2009/01)。Measuring the Impact of Three Factors on Cross-cultural Working Satisfaction for Stuff of Taiwan Multinational Companies in Thailand。International Academic Journal of Research & Developmentt, Institute Rajamangala University of Technology,1(1)。
- 施正屏(2008/03)。匯率變動對兩岸產業國際競爭力之計量分析。大陸情勢簡報,行政院大陸委員會。
- 施正屏(2006/01)。Strategic Analysis for Cross-Strait Agriculture Collective Security under Globalization。Views and Policies Taiwan Forum,2(4)。
- 施正屏(2005/06)。中國現代化戰略進程之結構危機:農村勞動力移轉政策分析。中國政治學報(39)。
- 施正屏(2005/06)。中國城鎮化戰略核心之政策分析。亞洲研究(51)。
- 施正屏(2013/12/06-2013/12/06)。The Effect of Trust on Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Capabilities。2013NTC Conference on Information Management and Practices,Taipei, Taiwan。
- 施正屏(2013/11/05-2013/11/08)。Managing the Effects of Knowledge Strategies, Enablers, and Assets on TSMC’s Creation Process and Performance。12th International Conference of the Asia Chapter of HRD,Taipei, Taiwan。
- 施正屏(2013/11/05-2013/11/08)。Measuring the Effect of Team Characteristics, Team Effectiveness on Organizational Performance, Organizational Survival and Competitiveness of an Indonesian NGO, Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa。12th International Conference of the Asia Chapter of HRD,Taipei, Taiwan。
- 施正屏(2013/04/11-2013/04/13)。The Effect of Organizational Trust and Intellectual Capital on Honduran Banking Institutions using Partial Least Square Regression。2013 Intellectbase International Consortium Academic Conference,San Antonio, TX – USA。
- 施正屏(2013/04/11-2013/04/13)。Measuring the Effect of Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Transfer on the Survival and Competitiveness of Non-Profit Organizations, using PLS Method。2013 Intellectbase International Consortium Academic Conference,San Antonio, TX – USA。
- 施正屏(2012/11/08-2012/11/10)。A Knowledge Integrative Model to Measure the Effect of Knowledge Strategies, Knowledge Enablers and Knowledge Creation Process on Taiwan Multinational Company’s Performance in Thailand。10th International Conference on Knowledge, Economy and Management, ,,Istanbul, Turkey。
- 施正屏(2012/11/08-2012/11/10)。The Effect of Technological and Commercial Viability on Microsoft Taiwan Innovation Competency。10th International Conference on Knowledge, Economy and Management,Istanbul, Turkey。
- 施正屏(2012/11/08-2012/11/10)。Measuring the Impact of Person-Environment Fit on Affective Outcomes for International Cooperation and Development Fund in Taiwan。11th International Conference of the Asia Chapter & 2nd Conference of the MENA Chapter of the Academy of HRD,Istanbul, Turkey。
- 施正屏(2012/11/08-2012/11/10)。Measuring the Effect of Technological and Commercial Viability on Casa Pellas’ Innovation Competence in Nicaragua By Using Partial Least Squares Method。11th International Conference of the Asia Chapter of HRD,Istanbul, Turkey。
- 施正屏(2012/10/10-2012/10/11)。Measuring the Impact of Person-Environment Fit between Career Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Case Study of International Cooperation and Development Fund。The 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Asia Pacific (KMAP) 2012,Shanghai, China。
- 施正屏(2012/10/10-2012/10/11)。The Effect of Knowledge Management System on Taiwan Commercial Bank’s Market Value。The 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Asia Pacific (KMAP) 2012,Shanghai, China。
- 施正屏(2012/10/10-2012/10/11)。The Effect of Knowledge Management Strategies and Enablers on Knowledge Creation Process and Organizational Performance by using Partial Least Squares Regression Method。The 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Asia Pacific (KMAP) 2012,Shanghai, China。
- 施正屏(2011/12/03-2011/12/06)。Innovation of Intellectual Capital Impact on Taiwan MICE Industry, Human Resource Development in Asia: Capitalizing Human Expertise for Greater Innovation & Creativity。10th International Conference of the Academy of HRD (Asia Chapter),Malaysia。
- 施正屏(2011/12/03-2011/12/06)。Measuring Technical Innovation Competency of Casa Pella Company in Nicaragua, Human Resource Development in Asia: Capitalizing Human Expertise for Greater Innovation & Creativity。10th International Conference of the Academy of HRD (Asia Chapter),Malaysia。
- 施正屏(2011/12/03-2011/12/06)。Transitional Changes of Labor Migration for Asia- Pacific Developed Countries, Human Resource Development in Asia: Capitalizing Human Expertise for Greater Innovation & Creativity。10th International Conference of the Academy of HRD (Asia Chapter),Malaysia。
- 施正屏(2011/09/28-2011/09/30)。The Impact of Intellectual Capital and Sustainability on Taiwan MICE Industry。The 2011 International Conference on Human Resource Development,,Taiepi。
- 施正屏(2011/07/12-2011/07/15)。Mesuaring the Organizational Innovation Competency of Casa Pellas Company in Nicaragua。IAM2011,Malaysia。
- 施正屏(2011/06/13-2011/06/14)。Mesuaring the Process Innovation Competency of Casa Pellas Company in Nicaragua。International conference on management (ICM 2011),Malaysia。
- 施正屏(2011/06/06-2011/06/07)。Transitional Changes of Labor Migration under Knowledge Based Economies for EU Developed Countries。Third Annual American Business Research Conference,USA。
- 施正屏(2011/05/25-2011/05/27)。An Empirical Study Measuring The Effects Of Motivation and Demographic Factors on NTNU Students’ Academic Performance。The Academic Business World International Conference,USA。
- 施正屏(2011/05/25-2011/05/27)。An Econometrics Analysis on the Effect of Satisfaction for Foreign Graduate Students’ Academic Performance in Taiwan。The Academic Business World International Conference,USA。
- 施正屏(2011/03/07-2011/03/09)。An empirical study on the combined effects of KM Enablers and KM Strategies Organizational Performance: A Case Study of Taiwan ICDF。Intellect Base Academic Conference,Thailand。
- 施正屏(2011/03/05-2011/03/07)。The factors that cause foreign students’ satisfaction or dissatisfaction in adapting and adjusting to life in Taiwan。Tomorrow People Organization’s Sixth Annual Education and Development Conference,Thailand。
- 施正屏(2011/01/18-2011/01/20)。Evaluating the Impact of Knowledge Management System on Talent using Academic Performance。the 2011 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology (e-CASE & e-Tech 2011),Japan。
- 施正屏(2010/11/22-2010/11/24)。Measuring and Inference Taiwan MICE Industry Core Businesses’ Productivity Through KMS Model。13th International Business Research Conference,Australia。
- 施正屏(2010/11/11-2010/11/14)。The Return And Value of Intellectual And Human Capital。Academy of Human Resource Development 9th International Conference of the Asia Chapter, HRDE Program,Shangha, China。
- 施正屏(2010/11/11-2010/11/14)。Econometric Model Analysis of Multinational Corporations on Cross-cultural Satisfaction in Thailand。Academy of Human Resource Development 9th International Conference of the Asia Chapter, HRDE Program,Shanghai, China。
- 施正屏(2010/11/11-2010/11/14)。Measuring the Impact of International Human Capital on Technical Innovation Competency: A Case Study of Microsoft Taiwan。Academy of Human Resource Development 9th International Conference of the Asia Chapter, HRDE Program,Shanghai, China。
- 施正屏(2010/10/27-2010/10/30)。Evaluating the Impact of Knowledge Management System on Academic Performance using Talent。The 2010 International Conference on Human Resource Development,Taipei。
- 施正屏(2010/10/24-2010/10/26)。The Impact of International Human Capitalon Firm’s Innovation Competency: A case study on Microsoft Taiwan。12th West Lake International Conference on Small & Medium Business (WLICSMB 2010),Hangzou。
- 施正屏(2010/10/24-2010/10/26)。The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Financial Assets to Human Resource Knowledge Management for Taiwanese Design Industry。12th West Lake International Conference on Small & Medium Business (WLICSMB 2010),Hangzou。
- 施正屏(2010/09/21-2010/09/21)。低碳經濟與兩岸綠能產業戰略合作之路徑選擇。2010年兩岸產業合作發展論壇,江蘇省崑山市。
- 施正屏(2010/09/16-2010/09/18)。The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Industry Leadership For Innovative Industries: Taiwanese Design Industry。The 5th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Asia Pacific (KMAP2010),Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China。
- 施正屏(2010/09/16-2010/09/18)。Measuring the Influence of Intellectual Capital Management on Organization Innovation Competency: A Case Study of Microsoft Taiwan。The 5th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Asia Pacific (KMAP2010),Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an。
- 施正屏(2010/09/16-2010/09/18)。Evaluating the Impact of NTNU Knowledge Management System on Students’ Satisfaction and Academic Performance。The 5th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Asia Pacific (KMAP2010),Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an。
- 施正屏(2010/08/07-2010/08/08)。台灣農業金庫改革效能之經濟分析。2010中國經濟理論與管理前沿論壇暨中國農村金融改革與創新國際論壇,安徽黃山。
- 施正屏(2010/07/07-2010/07/10)。The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Profit in Innovative Industries: A Case study on Taiwanese Design Industry。The 2010 International Conference on Innovation and Management,Malaysia.。
- 施正屏(2010/06/26-2010/06/26)。Econometrical Analysis of Multinational Corporations Cross-cultural Satisfaction among Industries in Thailand。2010 The 13th Conference on Interdisciplinary and Multifunctional Business Management,Soochow University。
- 施正屏(2010/06/19-2010/06/19)。全球暖化與低碳農業發展戰略之路徑選擇。海峽兩岸低碳農業發展戰略與技術對策研討會,福建福州。
- 施正屏(2010/05/22-2010/05/22)。An Econometric Analysis on Cross-cultural Job Satisfaction: a Taiwan Company in Thailand。2010 International Conference in Management Sciences and Decision Making,Tamlang University。
- 施正屏(2010/05/01-2010/05/01)。An Econometric Analysis on Cross-cultural Adaptability of Taiwan Multinational Company in Thailand。CFP 2010AMIT, The Conference on Advanced Management and Industry Trends,National United University。
- 施正屏(2010/04/24-2010/04/24)。An Econometric Analysis on Cross-cultural Job Satisfaction of Taiwan Manufacturing Company Delta in Thailand。2010 前瞻管理學術與產業趨勢研討會,National United University。
- 施正屏(2010/04/17-2010/04/17)。An Econometric Analysis on Cross-cultural Adaptability: a Taiwan Company in Thailand。2010 6th Conference: Curriculum & Instruction in Technology Education, ICCITE2010,Kaohsiung。
- 施正屏(2009/10/21-2009/10/21)。Measuring the Impact of Institutional Change and Glocalization Strategy on Panama’s Economic Performance on Unemployment。The 2009 International Conference on Human Resource Development,Taipei。
- 施正屏(2009/10/21-2009/10/21)。An Econometrics Approach to Evaluate the Successful Factors on Innovation Competency on Microsoft Taiwan-Innovation in Organization, Business across Cultures: Focusing on Human Capital.。The 2009 International Conference on Human Resource Development,Taipei。
- 施正屏(2009/10/21-2009/10/21)。The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Business Performance in Taiwanese Design Industry。The 2009 International Conference on Human Resource Development,Taipei。
- 施正屏(2009/10/21-2009/10/21)。An ESWOT Approach To Analyze IBM’s Global Strategy With Respect To Its Human Resource Policy, Business across Cultures: Focusing on Human Capital.。The 2009 International Conference on Human Resource Development,Taipei。
- 施正屏(2009/10/21-2009/10/21)。Crisis and Challenge of Transitional Changes for two Stages Labor Migration under the Economical Reform in Mainland China。The 2009 International Conference on Human Resource Development,Taipei。
- 施正屏(2009/08/11-2009/08/11)。兩岸農業戰略前沿合作機遇與挑戰。浙江大學兩岸經濟合作研討會,浙江。
- 施正屏(2009/06/06-2009/06/06)。An Econometrics SWOT Approach to Evaluate IBM’s Performance from Stockholders’ Perspective。2009 Joint Conference on Management Science (2009 JCMS),Taipei。
- 施正屏(2009/05/30-2009/05/30)。An Econometric Analysis on Cross-cultural Adaptability : A Case of Taiwan Multination Company in Thailand。2009 International Conference in Management Sciences and Decision Making,Taipei。
- 施正屏(2009/05/30-2009/05/30)。ESWOT: An Econometrics Approach to SWOT Analysis. Case Study to Evaluate IBM’s Performance。2009 International Conference in Management Sciences and Decision Making,Taipei。
- 施正屏(2009/05/10-2009/05/10)。An Econometrics Approach to Evaluate the Successful Factors on Organizational Innovation Competency。2009 JCMS,Taipei。
- 施正屏(2009/04/24-2009/04/25)。中國經濟結構調整下二階段勞動力移轉之機遇與挑戰。兩岸農村治理與鄉村發展研討會論文集,Taipei。
- 施正屏(2008/11/03-2008/11/03)。兩岸農業交流下台閩合作機遇與挑戰。閩台地緣關係研討會論文集,福建省民政廳。
- 施正屏(2008/10/29-2008/10/29)。An Analysis of the Effect of Satisfaction on ICDF Foreign Students’ Performance in Taiwan。The 2008 International Conference on Workforce Education and Development,Taipei。
- 施正屏(2008/10/29-2008/10/29)。The impact of motivati on on job satisfaction in Taiwan’s religious and non-religious NPOs。The 2008 International Conference on Workforce Education and Development,Taipei。
- 施正屏(2008/10/29-2008/10/29)。Global Strategies, Strategic Business Units and the Impact of a Charismatic Leader on IBM’s Performance。The 2008 International Conference on Workforce Education and Development,Taipei。
- 施正屏(2008/10/29-2008/10/29)。Crisis and Challenge of Transitional Changes for China Labor Migration。The 2008 International Conference on Workforce Education and Development,Taipei。
- 施正屏(2008/10/12-2008/10/12)。全球糧食危機下中國稻米供需暨政策之計量分析。紀念改革開放30周年:農林經濟管理高層論壇暨農村改革與發展:面對21世紀新挑戰國際學術研討會論文集,江蘇南京。
- 施正屏(2008/09/06-2008/09/06)。兩岸農業交流二十年機遇與挑戰。泉州兩岸農產品貿易研討會,福建泉州。
- 施正屏(2008/07/23-2008/07/23)。The Impact of Institutional Change and Glocalization Strategy on Panama’s Economic Performance。2008 ING 安泰管理論文獎暨研討會論文集,Taipei。
- 施正屏(2008/07/23-2008/07/23)。Global Strategies, Strategic Business Units and the Impact of a Charismatic Leader on IBM’s Performance。2008 ING 安泰管理論文獎暨研討會論文集,Taipei。
- 施正屏(2008/07/23-2008/07/23)。The impact of motivati on on job satisfaction in Taiwan’s religious and non-religious NPOs。2008 ING 安泰管理論文獎暨研討會論文集,Taipei。
- 施正屏(2008/05/12-2008/05/12)。中國糧食危機與兩岸經貿。兩岸經貿策略小組會議,台北。
- 施正屏(2008/03/20-2008/03/20)。全球環境永續之氣候外交研析。台灣二十一世紀外交倡議座談會,Taipei。
- 施正屏(2007/12/26-2007/12/26)。中國三農問題與現代化戰略機遇與挑戰。「中國三農相關議題探討」研討會,台北。
- 施正屏(2007/11/23-2007/11/23)。兩岸農業暨科技交流二十年機遇與挑戰。「兩岸交流20週年回顧與前瞻」國際研討會論文集,台北。
- 施正屏(2007/10/01-2007/10/03)。Econometrical Analysis on Taiwan MICE industry and Human Resource Development Strategy。The 2007 International Conference on Workforce Education and Development (ICOWED 2007),Taipei。
- 施正屏(2007/09/29-2007/09/30)。全球化下中國區域經濟發展戰略選擇。2007年制度治理與秩序學術研討會論文集,台北。
- 施正屏(2007/09/29-2007/09/30)。制度變遷、權力距離與美中台戰略三角之政治經濟分析。2007年制度治理與秩序學術研討會論文集,台北。
- 施正屏(2007/09/24-2007/09/26)。中國農業現代化路徑與戰略選擇。南京—臺灣現代農業發展與合作論壇論文集,南京。
- 施正屏(2007/09/03-2007/09/03)。中國農業現代化路徑與戰略選擇。全球暖化下中國糧食安全與世界糧食危機研討會,台北。
- 施正屏(2007/07/30-2007/08/01)。美國與兩岸經貿戰略三角關係之政治經濟分析。第16屆海峽兩岸關係學術研討會論文集,雲南昆明。
- 施正屏(2007/07/06-2007/07/08)。The Clash of Culture, Confucianism, and American Values its Influence on U.S. Trade。第十屆兩岸經營管理與中華文化學術研討會,福建廈門。
- 施正屏(2007/06/23-2007/06/23)。全球化下中國經濟增長風險與城鄉發展路徑選擇。「經濟全球化與兩岸經貿關係」學術研討會論文集,台北。
- 施正屏(2007/06/06-2007/06/06)。Measuring the Impact of American Citizens Studying Abroad, Institutional Reform and American Values on United States Trade Performance。「2007年技職教育永續發展學術研討會」論文集,台北。
- 施正屏(2007/06/05-2007/06/05)。Culture Change on United States Trade Performance relating to Taiwan and China,8th International Conference on Cross Strait Economy & Trade Management。8th International Conference on Cross Strait Economy & Trade Management,Hsinchu。
- 施正屏(2007/05/24-2007/05/25)。美國與兩岸經貿戰略三角關係之政治經濟分析。「2008人文與社會國際學術研討會 」論文集,高雄。
- 施正屏(2007/05/18-2007/05/18)。The Cultural Change of Taiwan and China affecting United States Trade Performance after the end of Cold War。ING 安泰管理碩士論文獎暨研討會論文集,Taipei。
- 施正屏(2007/03/26-2007/03/26)。「兩岸匯率對接後國際競爭力影響」。兩岸匯率與國際競爭力研討會,台北。
- 施正屏(2006/11/12-2006/11/12)。「城鎮化之戰略核心:人力資源與產業創新之發展路徑選擇」。海峽兩岸民生問題學術研討會,北京。
- 施正屏(2006/10/14-2006/10/14)。「兩岸農業交流問題與檢討」。台灣農業發展菁英高峰會,台南。
- 施正屏(2006/09/08-2006/09/08)。「兩岸農業合作之戰略分析」。中國國際投資貿易洽談會,福建廈門。
- 施正屏(2006/09/06-2006/09/06)。「兩岸農業投資合作之戰略分析」。海峽兩岸現代農業交流與合作專題研討會,上海。
- 施正屏(2006/09/05-2006/09/05)。「兩岸農業合作之戰略分析」。濟南台灣農業科技合作交流會,山東濟南。
- 施正屏(2006/08/16-2006/08/17)。「實踐新農村建設之科技發展戰略選擇」。海峽兩岸高新技術産業交流與合作發展研討會,廣東汕頭。
- 施正屏(2006/06/27-2006/06/27)。「兩岸區域協調發展戰略選擇」。兩岸產業共同市場論壇,廣西南寧。
- 施正屏(2005/11/10-2005/11/10)。「台灣農產品出口中國問題與展望」。「東亞區域與台灣經濟發展」研討會,新北市。
- 施正屏(2005/10/15-2005/10/15)。中國現代化戰略進程之結構危機:農村勞動力移轉政策分析。2005年中國政治學會年會暨學術研討會,台北。
- 施正屏(0000/00/00-0000/00/00)。Analyzing the United Nations Global Compact and the Local Influences effects on Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Performance of Taiwan´s manufacturing industry。International Conference on Human Resource Development,台北。
- 施正屏(0000/00/00-0000/00/00)。The Effects of Transformational Leadership on Organizational Trust, Customer Relationship Management, Innovation Capabilities and Business Performance。International Conference on Human Resource Development,台北。
- 施正屏(0000/00/00-0000/00/00)。區域經濟整合下台灣路徑抉擇。兩岸政策創新研討會,台北。
- 施正屏(0000/00/00-0000/00/00)。Analyzing the Intellectual Capital and Intellectual Process Impact on Business Performance of Leading Financial Holding Company in Taiwan,University of Riverside, California。
- 施正屏(0000/00/00-0000/00/00)。Measuring the Effects of Personality Traits on International Students’s Academic Performance in Universities in Taiwan。International Scientific Academy of Engineering & TechnologyInternational Conferences,Pattaya ,Thailand。
- 施正屏(0000/00/00-0000/00/00)。Analyzing the Integrated Model of Knowledge Creation Process of Taiwan's IT industry on Innovation Capability and Organizational Performance。International Conference on Human Resource Development,台北。
- 施正屏(0000/00/00-0000/00/00)。坎昆會議成果研析,國家永續安全專案氣候變遷會議,台北。
- 施正屏(0000/00/00-0000/00/00)。Measuring the UN Global Compact on Company’s CSR and their Business Performance, 21st Century Agenda for Human Rights Theory and Practice,West Virginia State University, U.S.A。
- 施正屏(0000/00/00-0000/00/00)。The effect of Organizational Trust on Knowledge Sharing and Academic Satisfaction of ICDF Scholarship Students in Taiwan。International Conference on Human Resource Development,台北。
- 施正屏(0000/00/00-0000/00/00)。Cheng-Ping Shih, Yi-Ping Tsai, Measuring the Effect of Trust, Organizational learning and Intellectual Capitals On Taiwan ICT Company’s Innovation and Business Performance。The 7th International Conference on Innovation and Knowledge Management in Asia Pacific,泰國。
- 施正屏(0000/00/00-0000/00/00)。The Effect of Leadership and Trust on Taiwan ICT Industry’s Culture, Knowledge Sharing, Innovation and Performance。International Conference on Human Resource Development,台北。
- 施正屏(0000/00/00-0000/00/00)。Measuring the Effects of Knowledge Enablers and Knowledge Sharing Behavior, Motivation to Share on Organizational Performance, Survival and Competitiveness。International Conference on Human Resource Development,台北。
- 施正屏(0000/00/00-0000/00/00)。The Effect of University’s Culture, Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Creation and Commitment on International Students in Taiwan。International Conference on Human Resource Development,台北。
- 施正屏(0000/00/00-0000/00/00)。Predicting Organizational Performance from Transformational Leadership and Innovation, International Conference on Human Resource Development。Predicting Organizational Performance from Transformational Leadership and Innovation, International Conference on Human Resource Development,台北。
- 施正屏(2013/05/30-2013/12/25)。經濟部102年度「風險管理業務」輔導訪視計畫。其他政府部門。(10204401800)。主持人。
- 施正屏(2012/04/11-2012/12/31)。行政院衛生署食品藥物管理局101年風險管理業務計畫。其他政府部門。(DOH101-FDA-11009)。主持人。
- 施正屏(2011/05/01-2012/04/30)。行政院衛生署食品藥物管理局102年風險管理業務計畫。其他政府部門。(DOH100-FDA-11009)。主持人。
- 施正屏(2011/04/01-2011/12/31)。行政院衛生署食品藥物管理局100年風險管理業務計畫。其他政府部門。(DOH100-FDA-11009)。主持人。
- 施正屏(2011/04/01-2011/12/31)。風險管理機制之推動與發展計畫。其他政府部門。主持人。
- 施正屏(2011/01/01-2011/12/31)。大台北地區展覽及會議場地供需情形與會展發展之整合及分工研究計畫。其他政府部門。分項計畫主持人。
- 施正屏(2010/01/01-2010/12/31)。兩岸車載資通訊產業研究計畫。非政府部門(如NGO及NPO計畫)。分項計畫主持人。
- 施正屏(2010/01/01-2010/12/31)。國家永續發展計畫。非政府部門(如NGO及NPO計畫)。分項計畫主持人。
- 施正屏(2006/11/01-2007/11/30)。會議展覽服務業產業調查報告第三年。其他政府部門。分項計畫主持人。
- 施正屏(2006/11/01-2007/11/30)。雪山隧道通車後對宜蘭會議服務業者之影響初探性研究。其他政府部門。分項計畫主持人。
- 施正屏(2006/07/01-2007/07/31)。中國農業安全暨政策評估模型之經濟分析。其他政府部門。主持人。
- 施正屏(2006/07/01-2007/07/31)。兩岸經濟安全政策評估模型暨貿易資料庫。其他政府部門。協同/共同主持人。
- 施正屏(2005/11/01-2006/11/30)。會議展覽服務業產業調查報告第二年。其他政府部門。分項計畫主持人。
- 施正屏(2004/05/01-2005/05/31)。台灣會議展覽服務業產值及就業基本調查計畫。非政府部門(如NGO及NPO計畫)。分項計畫主持人。
- 施正屏(2014/6)。動態風險逆轉:避開決策陷阱,成功逆轉風險(初刷)。台灣、香港、馬來西亞、新加坡:商周出版 城邦文化事業股份有限公司。ISBN:978-986-272-546-7。
- 施正屏(2007/12)。企業研究方法(2版)。臺灣:學富出版社。ISBN:978-986-154-666-7。
- 施正屏(2006/1)。投資信託與管理(5)。臺灣:空中進修學院,中華電視股份有限公司。ISBN:9575721284, 9789575721282。
- 施正屏(2000/8)。「入關後中共農業戰略調整與我國因應策略之分析」:行政院大陸委員會。
- 施正屏(2000/7)。「中國大陸毛豬產業政策之計量分析」:行政院國家科學委員會。
- 施正屏(2000/12)。「農產品國內外市場促銷策略之研究」:行政院農業委員會。
- 施正屏(1999/6)。「中國大陸農業政策與制度變遷之經濟分析」:行政院農業委員會。
- 施正屏(1999/2)。「政策干預下中共糧食危機研究(二)」:行政院大陸委員會。
- 施正屏(1998/7)。「經濟發展對中國大陸區域農業影響之經濟分析」:行政院國家科學委員會。
- 施正屏(1998/6)。「大陸農產品成本與價格之結構分析」:行政院農業委員會。
- 施正屏(1997/9)。「兩岸文化交流歷程回顧與政策檢討」:行政院大陸委員會。
- 施正屏(1997/8)。「政策干預下中共糧食危機研究」:行政院大陸委員會。
- 施正屏(1996/8)。「建立臺灣農業政策評估模型」,第三年計畫:行政院農業委員會。
- 施正屏(1996/8)。「建立我國臺灣地區農業政策評估模型之研究」,第二年計畫:行政院農業委員會。
- 施正屏(1996/5)。「兩岸經濟發展過程中對農民收益影響之計量分析」:行政院國家科學委員會。
- 施正屏(1995/8)。中共經濟改革開放過程對江蘇省與安徽省農民收益影響之計量分析:行政院陸委會專題計畫。
- 施正屏(1995/8)。「改革開放與變遷中的大陸農村」:行政院大陸委員會。
- 施正屏(2011-12)。Disater Response: Moving Toward a Collective Action。深耕中華民國接軌國際:中華民國非政府組織發展的回顧展望。臺灣:行政院文化建設委員會。
- 施正屏(2010-6)。中國經濟結構調整下二階段勞動力移轉之機遇與挑戰。兩岸鄉村發展與農村治理。臺灣:五南出版社。ISBN:9789571159249。