檢視 魏嘉賢 的原始碼
{{Infobox_Officeholder | name = 魏嘉賢 | sex = 男 | image = | width = 200px | caption = | office = <!-- 注释出:[[File:花蓮市LOGO.jpeg|25px]] -->[[花蓮市]]第18-19屆[[花蓮市|市長]] | term_start = 2016年9月2日 | term_end = | predecessor = [[周傑民]](代理)<br/>[[田智宣]](正任) | successor = | order1 = [[File:Emblem of Hualien County 2010.svg|25px]][[花蓮縣議會]]第16-18屆[[花蓮縣議員|議員]] | term_start1 = 2006年3月1日 | term_end1 = 2016年9月2日 | constituency1 = 花蓮縣第一選區([[花蓮市]]) | Native place = | nationality = {{ROC}} | birth_date = {{birth date and age|1978|7|13}} | birth_place = {{ROC}}[[花蓮縣]] | party = {{KMT}} | profession = | nickname = | educate = * 花蓮縣立明義國民小學 * [[花蓮縣立花崗國民中學]] * [[國立花蓮高級工業職業學校]]電子科 * [[慈濟科技大學]]醫事放射科系 * [[國立東華大學]]公共行政學系研究所碩士 | past = * 花蓮市體育會理事長 * 花蓮縣救國團指導委員 * 花蓮縣籃球協會理事長 * 花蓮縣衛生局醫事放射師 * 救國團花蓮縣社會優秀青年 * 花蓮縣議會(第16−18屆)議員 * 花蓮縣富里鄉衛生所醫事放射師 * 行政院退輔會蘇澳榮民醫院放射師 * 中國國民黨花蓮縣花蓮市黨部委員 * 中國國民黨花蓮縣議會黨團書記長 * 花蓮縣體育會圍棋委員會主任委員 * 花蓮縣體育會籃球委員會主任委員 * 國立花蓮高級工職業學校校友會理事 * 花蓮縣政府身心障礙者權益保障小組委員 }} '''魏嘉賢'''(1978年7月13日- ),[[中國國民黨籍]][[花蓮縣]]政治人物,現任[[花蓮市長]]<ref>{{cite news | author = 范振和 | url = https://video.udn.com/news/553201 | title = 花蓮市長交接 魏嘉賢宣誓不分藍綠 | publisher = [[聯合新聞網]] | date = 2016-09-02 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180825002607/https://video.udn.com/news/553201 | archive-date = 2018-08-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref><ref>{{cite news | author = 張祈 | url = http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20160903000401-260107 | title = 花蓮市長魏嘉賢宣誓 施政不分顏色 | publisher = [[中國時報]] | date = 2016-09-03 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180825002630/http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20160903000401-260107 | archive-date = 2018-08-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref>,曾任[[花蓮縣議員]]、花蓮縣衛生局醫事放射師。[[2016年花蓮市長補選]]獲得[[中國國民黨]]提名並順利當選<ref>{{cite news | author = | url = http://udn.com/news/story/3/1805240 | title = 花蓮市長補選 中國國民黨魏嘉賢初選勝出 | publisher = [[聯合新聞網]] | date = 2016-07-04 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2016-08-19 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20160817141917/http://udn.com/news/story/3/1805240 | archive-date = 2016-08-17 | dead-url = no }}</ref><ref>{{cite news | author = 李汪勝 | url = https://news.tvbs.com.tw/local/671077 | title = 關鍵一勝! 國民黨魏嘉賢當選花蓮市長 | publisher = [[TVBS新聞網]] | date = 2016-08-27 | language = zh-TW}}</ref><ref>{{cite news | author = 王峻祺 | url = http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1808294 | title = 花蓮市長補選 魏嘉賢宣布當選 | publisher = [[自由時報]] | date = 2016-08-27 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20161028160335/http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1808294 | archive-date = 2016-10-28 | dead-url = no }}</ref>。 == 經歷 == 魏嘉賢出身[[政治世家]],大學期間主修醫事放射,從政之前就通過[[放射師]]的國家考試,在偏鄉[[X光]]巡迴車和花蓮縣衛生局服務<ref name="出身政治世家">{{cite news | author = 楊漢聲、蔡偉祺 | url = http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20160828000276-260102 | title = 出身政治世家 年輕兼具資歷 花蓮新市長魏嘉賢前途看好 | publisher = [[中國時報]] | date = 2016-08-28 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180825002605/http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20160828000276-260102 | archive-date = 2018-08-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref>,並且長期投入對弱勢家庭的關懷,加入[[台灣兒童暨家庭扶助基金會]]認養人的行列超過10年,獲頒「家扶10年認養人」的獎牌<ref>{{cite news | author = 王兆麟 | url = https://www.ettoday.net/news/20180704/1205762.htm | title = 善心認養11年未間斷 魏嘉賢獲頒10年認養人奬牌表揚 | publisher = [[ETtoday]] | date = 2018-07-04 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180825002451/https://www.ettoday.net/news/20180704/1205762.htm | archive-date = 2018-08-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref>。在認養期間,經常收到小朋友來信,從信中關心他們,認養的家扶兒童已經從小學到大學畢業,常開玩笑說還沒有結婚就有孩子了<ref>{{cite news | author = 李先鳳 | url = http://www.cna.com.tw/news/aloc/201807030357-1.aspx | title = 認養家扶童小學到大學 花蓮市長魏嘉賢好有愛 | publisher = [[中央通訊社]] | date = 2018-07-03 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180824205552/http://www.cna.com.tw/news/aloc/201807030357-1.aspx | archive-date = 2018-08-24 | dead-url = no }}</ref>。 魏嘉賢長期投入基層、關懷弱勢的經驗對他往後的從政生涯有很大幫助<ref name="出身政治世家"/>。2006年,他因生涯規劃參選[[花蓮縣議員]]並順利當選,擔任議員期間,體認到自己的服務專業可以更加提升,因而進入[[東華大學]]公共行政研究學系研究所就讀,並順利完成學業,希望能結合自身的醫療背景與經驗進而服務更多鄉親<ref>{{cite news | author = 張國興 | url = https://www.ettoday.net/news/20160828/763996.htm | title = 服務有口碑!連任3屆議員 魏嘉賢深耕花蓮問政經驗滿點 | publisher = [[ETtoday]] | date = 2016-08-28 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-30 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20161104170848/http://www.ettoday.net/news/20160828/763996.htm | archive-date = 2016-11-04 | dead-url = no }}</ref><ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.weijiaxian.com.tw/about.aspx | title = 花蓮縣議員-魏嘉賢 | accessdate = | work = 花蓮縣議員-魏嘉賢官方網站 | deadurl = yes | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20160825050247/http://www.weijiaxian.com.tw/about.aspx |archivedate = 2016-08-25}}</ref>。 因為花蓮市長[[田智宣]]於任內病逝,因任期未過半舉行[[2016年花蓮市長補選|市長補選]],魏嘉賢參加[[中國國民黨]]黨內初選勝出獲得提名<ref>{{cite news | author = 徐庭揚 | url = https://video.udn.com/news/519494 | title = 花蓮市長補選 國民黨魏嘉賢初選勝出 | publisher = [[聯合新聞網]] | date = 2016-07-04 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180825002605/https://video.udn.com/news/519494 | archive-date = 2018-08-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref><ref>{{cite news | author = 羅暐智 | url = http://apicdn.nexdoor.stormmediagroup.com/article/137766 | title = 花蓮市長補選 國民黨初選魏嘉賢高票出線 | publisher = [[風傳媒]] | date = 2016-07-04 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180824205554/http://apicdn.nexdoor.stormmediagroup.com/article/137766 | archive-date = 2018-08-24 | dead-url = no }}</ref>,[[民進黨]]徵召[[田智宣]]遺孀[[張美慧]]參選<ref>{{cite news | author = 王峻祺 | url = http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1751391 | title = 花蓮市長補選 國民黨提名魏嘉賢對決張美慧 | publisher = [[自由時報]] | date = 2016-07-04 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180825002615/http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1751391 | archive-date = 2018-08-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref>,雖然只是[[縣轄市]]的地方選舉,卻是[[2016年中華民國總統選舉|政黨輪替]]後,淪為[[在野]]士氣低落的[[國民黨]]重振士氣唯一的機會,也是重返[[執政]]的[[民進黨]]花蓮縣唯一執政鄉鎮市的[[灘頭堡]]保衛戰,此次補選更被媒體視為[[蔡英文政府]]執政百日的信任投票<ref>{{cite news | author = 徐微欣 | url = https://news.tvbs.com.tw/focus/670142 | title = 花蓮市長補選! 蔡百日段考、藍搶補選再勝 | publisher = [[TVBS新聞網]] | date = 2016-08-22 | language = zh-TW}}</ref>,[[中國國民黨|藍]][[民主進步黨|綠]]都有輸不得的壓力,因此選舉規格被拉高到「總統層級」全國關注的的指標性選戰<ref>{{cite news | author = 許家寧 | url = http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20160815000415-260107 | title = 花蓮市長補選 爭奪插旗 這戰輸不得 | publisher = [[中國時報]] | date = 2016-08-15 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180825002603/http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20160815000415-260107 | archive-date = 2018-08-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref><ref>{{cite news | author = 羅暐智 | url = http://www.storm.mg/article/157279 | title = 「魏嘉賢的對手是蔡英文」 花蓮市長補選 規格拉高到總統層級 | publisher = [[風傳媒]] | date = 2016-08-15 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180825002419/http://www.storm.mg/article/157279 | archive-date = 2018-08-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref>。選舉期間[[中國國民黨主席]][[洪秀柱]]親自坐鎮[[花蓮市]]全力輔選<ref>{{cite news | author = 李先鳳 | url = http://www2.cna.com.tw/news/aipl/201607140461-1.aspx | title = 洪秀柱花蓮輔選魏嘉賢 籲泛藍團結 | publisher = [[中央通訊社]] | date = 2016-07-14 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180824205559/http://www2.cna.com.tw/news/aipl/201607140461-1.aspx | archive-date = 2018-08-24 | dead-url = no }}</ref><ref>{{cite news | author = 許家寧 | url = http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20160716000513-260107 | title = 花蓮市長補選 洪秀柱力挺魏嘉賢 | publisher = [[中國時報]] | date = 2016-07-16 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180825002621/http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20160716000513-260107 | archive-date = 2018-08-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref><ref>{{cite news | author = 謝佳珍 | url = http://www.cna.com.tw/news/aipl/201608170261-1.aspx | title = 花蓮市長補選 洪秀柱:絕不掉以輕心 | publisher = [[中央通訊社]] | date = 2016-08-17 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180824205604/http://www.cna.com.tw/news/aipl/201608170261-1.aspx | archive-date = 2018-08-24 | dead-url = no }}</ref><ref>{{cite news | author = 王寓中 | url = http://udn.com/news/story/1/1900822 | title = 花蓮市長補選 國民黨洪秀柱親自全力搶勝 | publisher = [[聯合新聞網]] | date = 2016-08-17 | language = zh-TW | deadurl = yes | archiveurl = https://archive.today/20160819075840/http://udn.com/news/story/1/1900822 | archivedate = 2016-08-19 | access-date = 2018-08-24 }}</ref>,[[中華民國總統|總統]][[蔡英文]]也下令民進黨加強輔選<ref>{{cite news | author = 顏振凱 | url = http://www.storm.mg/article/149820 | title = 執政氣勢掉 花蓮市長補選 蔡英文下令「此戰輸不得」 | publisher = [[風傳媒]] | date = 2016-08-03 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180825002437/http://www.storm.mg/article/149820 | archive-date = 2018-08-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref>,中國國民黨除了有三人違紀參選<ref>{{cite news | author = 李先鳳 | url = http://www.cna.com.tw/news/aloc/201607190315-1.aspx | title = 違紀參選花蓮市長 國民黨開除3人黨籍 | publisher = [[中央通訊社]] | date = 2016-07-19 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180825002426/http://www.cna.com.tw/news/aloc/201607190315-1.aspx | archive-date = 2018-08-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref>,甚至連[[花蓮縣議會|花蓮縣議長]][[賴進坤]]也倒戈幫[[張美慧]]站台<ref>{{cite news | author = 王家俊 | url = https://tw.news.appledaily.com/politics/realtime/20161123/995876 | title = 違紀議長遭開除黨籍 花蓮市長魏嘉賢:感謝洪秀柱 | publisher = [[蘋果日報 (台灣)|蘋果日報]] | date = 2016-11-23 | language = zh-TW}}</ref>,[[中國國民黨|黨內]]嚴重的分裂危及魏嘉賢的選情<ref>{{cite news | author = 許家寧 | url = http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20160818000507-260107 | title = 花蓮市長補選 綠找天王拉抬 藍演同志內訌 | publisher = [[中國時報]] | date = 2016-08-18 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180825002541/http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20160818000507-260107 | archive-date = 2018-08-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref>。魏嘉賢家族經營花蓮政壇多年,但也傳出不少的負面新聞,也成為魏嘉賢的政治包袱,成為對手攻擊的主要目標,魏嘉賢希望能擺脫叔父輩的政治家族包袱<ref>{{cite news | author = 徐庭揚 | url = http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/local/paper/1015947 | title = 擺脫家族包袱 魏嘉賢牽妻女打溫情牌 | publisher = [[自由時報]] | date = 2016-07-29 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180825002617/http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/local/paper/1015947 | archive-date = 2018-08-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref><ref name="出身政治世家"/>。選戰倒數期間,魏家舊聞又再次成為對手攻擊的目標,魏嘉賢親自召開記者會反擊<ref>{{cite news | author = 許家寧 | url = http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20160820000457-260107 | title = 花蓮市長補選倒數8天-反擊抹黑 魏嘉賢:適可而止 | publisher = [[中國時報]] | date = 2016-08-20 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180825002557/http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20160820000457-260107 | archive-date = 2018-08-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref><ref>{{cite news | author = 王峻祺 | url = http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/local/paper/1023541 | title = 魏嘉賢駁抹黑 向奧步宣戰 | publisher = [[自由時報]] | date = 2016-08-20 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180825002553/http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/local/paper/1023541 | archive-date = 2018-08-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref>,雙方戰況陷入膠著。選前之夜,[[洪秀柱]]親自陪同在花蓮市區遊行掃街<ref>{{cite news | author = 許家寧 | url = http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20160826005964-260407 | title = 選前之夜 柱柱姐、魏嘉賢催票讓花蓮藍天再現! | publisher = [[中國時報]] | date = 2016-08-26 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180825002633/http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20160826005964-260407 | archive-date = 2018-08-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref><ref>{{cite news | author = 徐庭揚 | url = https://video.udn.com/news/549668 | title = 魏嘉賢選前之夜 磅礡氣勢橫掃花蓮 | publisher = [[聯合新聞網]] | date = 2016-08-26 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180825002523/https://video.udn.com/news/549668 | archive-date = 2018-08-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref>,在洪秀柱全力輔選下,魏嘉賢大贏對手張美慧將近4000票,成功當選[[花蓮市長]]<ref>{{cite news | author = 徐庭揚、范振和、王思慧、王燕華、林敬殷、周志豪 | url = http://a.udn.com/focus/2016/08/28/24169/index.html | title = 花蓮市重現藍天 小英百日段考三連敗 | publisher = [[聯合新聞網]] | date = 2016-08-28 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180825002445/http://a.udn.com/focus/2016/08/28/24169/index.html | archive-date = 2018-08-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref><ref>{{cite news | author = 王家俊 | url = https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/daily/20160828/37362968 | title = 花市長補選 藍營魏嘉賢奪勝 | publisher = [[蘋果日報 (台灣)|蘋果日報]] | date = 2016-08-28 | language = zh-TW}}</ref><ref>{{cite news | author = 許家寧、張祈 | url = http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20160828000252-260102 | title = 花蓮市長補選 綠6年執政 市長拱手讓藍 | publisher = [[中國時報]] | date = 2016-08-28 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180825002538/http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20160828000252-260102 | archive-date = 2018-08-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref>。[[中國國民黨中央委員會]]特別邀請魏嘉賢暢談當選感言和未來施政抱負,最後與[[中國國民黨主席|黨主席]][[洪秀柱]]熱情擁抱<ref>{{cite news | author = 徐政璿 | url = https://www.ettoday.net/news/20160831/766203.htm | title = 奪回花蓮市! 洪秀柱、魏嘉賢中常會上熱情擁抱 | publisher = [[ETtoday]] | date = 2016-08-31 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-30 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20161115082431/http://www.ettoday.net/news/20160831/766203.htm | archive-date = 2016-11-15 | dead-url = no }}</ref><ref>{{cite news | author = | url = http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1811894 | title = 洪秀柱擁抱魏嘉賢! 國民黨歡慶花蓮市長勝選 | publisher = [[自由時報]] | date = 2016-08-31 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-30 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20160901154138/http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1811894 | archive-date = 2016-09-01 | dead-url = no }}</ref>,並在各界的見證下宣誓就職<ref>{{cite news | author = 溫嘉楷 | url = https://news.pts.org.tw/article/333582 | title = 花蓮市長補選交接 魏嘉賢走馬上任 | publisher = [[公視新聞網]] | date = 2016-09-02 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-30 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20160904172056/http://news.pts.org.tw/article/333582 | archive-date = 2016-09-04 | dead-url = no }}</ref><ref>{{cite news | author = 李先鳳 | url = http://www.cna.com.tw/news/aloc/201609020154-1.aspx | title = 花蓮市長魏嘉賢就職 服務不分顏色 | publisher = [[中央通訊社]] | date = 2016-09-02 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-30 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20160903184956/http://www2.cna.com.tw/news/aloc/201609020154-1.aspx | archive-date = 2016-09-03 | dead-url = no }}</ref>。 就任[[花蓮市長]]後積極結合[[運動]]與[[觀光]],為地方產業帶來經濟效益與曝光度<ref>{{cite news | author = 徐庭揚 | url = https://udn.com/news/story/11322/2841229 | title = 星期人物/花蓮市最強老爸 魏嘉賢忙搞「運動」 | publisher = [[聯合新聞網]] | date = 2017-11-27 | language = zh-TW}}</ref>。[[2018年花蓮地震]]花蓮市區災情嚴重,魏嘉賢坐鎮災區投入救災<ref>{{cite news | author = | url = https://www.setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=346306 | title = 這背影好心疼!魏嘉賢屹立災區29小時 網友不捨淚推 | publisher = [[三立新聞網]] | date = 2018-02-08 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-30 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180212145855/http://www.setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=346306 | archive-date = 2018-02-12 | dead-url = no }}</ref><ref>{{cite news | author = | url = https://tw.appledaily.com/new/realtime/20180208/1294497/ | title = 強震後31小時未闔眼 一張背影照讓人心疼 | publisher = [[蘋果日報 (台灣)|蘋果日報]] | date = 2018-02-08 | language = zh-TW}}</ref>,公告當選[[花蓮市長]]的第二年<ref>{{cite news | author = 徐庭揚 | url = https://udn.com/news/story/6656/3334669 | title = 2年前今日公告當選 花蓮市長魏嘉賢討好彩頭選今登記 | publisher = [[聯合新聞網]] | date = 2018-08-28 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-30 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180829165235/https://udn.com/news/story/6656/3334669 | archive-date = 2018-08-29 | dead-url = no }}</ref>,魏嘉賢帶著妻女登記參選爭取連任<ref>{{cite news | author = 王文傑 | url =https://tw.appledaily.com/new/realtime/20180828/1419492/ | title = 花蓮市長拚連任 魏嘉賢:做好市政爭取支持 | publisher = [[蘋果日報 (台灣)|蘋果日報]] | date = 2018-08-28 | language = zh-TW}}</ref><ref>{{cite news | author = 許家寧 | url = http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20171212000493-260107 | title = 花蓮市 魏嘉賢拚連任 對手是自己 | publisher = [[中國時報]] | date = 2017-12-12 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-30 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20171217183559/http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20171212000493-260107 | archive-date = 2017-12-17 | dead-url = no }}</ref>,獲得近80%的選票成功連任<ref>{{cite news | author = 徐庭揚 | url = https://udn.com/news/story/7328/3500331 | title = 花蓮市鞏固藍版圖 魏嘉賢連任成功延續市政 | publisher = [[聯合新聞網]] | date = 2018-11-24 | language = zh-TW }}</ref>。 == 選舉 == === [[2016年花蓮市長補選]] === {|class="wikitable collapsible" style="text-align:center" |- ! colspan="7" width=620px|2016年[[花蓮市長]]缺額補選結果 |- !width=35|號次 !width=55| 候選人 !width=120| 政黨 !width=75| 得票數 !width=75| 得票率 !width=49| 當選標記 |- |1||[[魏嘉賢]]||{{KMT}}||style="border-left:4px solid #000099;" align="right"|17,923 |align="right"|54.17% |align="center"|[[File:Vote1.svg|20px]] |- |2||[[洪士閔]]||{{Nonp}}||style="border-left:4px solid #000000;" align="right"|212 |align="right"|0.64% |align="center"| |- |3||[[黃進發]]||{{Nonp}}||style="border-left:4px solid #000000;" align="right"|768 |align="right"|2.32% |align="center"| |- |4||[[張美慧]]||{{DPP}}||style="border-left:4px solid #1B9431;" align="right"|13,958 |align="right"|42.19% |align="center"| |- |5||[[許願神]]||{{Nonp}}||style="border-left:4px solid #000000;" align="right"|223 |align="right"|0.67% |align="center"| |- bgcolor=EEEEEE | colspan="3" align="right" | '''選舉人數''' || colspan="3" align="left" | 81,484 |- bgcolor=EEEEEE | colspan="3" align="right" | '''投票數''' || colspan="3" align="left" | 33,306 |- bgcolor=EEEEEE | colspan="3" align="right" | '''有效票''' || colspan="3" align="left" | 33,084 |- bgcolor=EEEEEE | colspan="3" align="right" | '''無效票''' || colspan="3" align="left" | 222 |- bgcolor=EEEEEE | colspan="3" align="right" | '''投票率''' || colspan="3" align="left" | 40.87% |} ===[[2018年中華民國鄉鎮市區長選舉|2018年花蓮市長選舉]]=== {|class="wikitable collapsible" style="text-align:center" |- ! colspan="7" width=620px|2018年[[花蓮市長]]選舉結果 |- !width=35|號次 !width=55| 候選人 !width=120| 政黨 !width=75| 得票數 !width=75| 得票率 !width=49| 當選標記 |- |1||'''[[魏嘉賢]]'''||{{KMT}}||style="border-left:4px solid #000099;" align="right"|38,121 |align="right"|78.47% |align="center"|[[File:Vote1.svg|20px]] |- |2||[[鄧姚文]]||{{Nonp}}||style="border-left:4px solid #000000;" align="right"|1,825 |align="right"|3.76% |align="center"| |- |3||[[張千駿]]||{{DPP}}||style="border-left:4px solid #1B9431;" align="right"|8,634 |align="right"|17.77% |align="center"| |- bgcolor=EEEEEE | colspan="3" align="right" | '''選舉人數''' || colspan="3" align="left" | 81,488 |- bgcolor=EEEEEE | colspan="3" align="right" | '''投票數''' || colspan="3" align="left" | 50,347 |- bgcolor=EEEEEE | colspan="3" align="right" | '''有效票''' || colspan="3" align="left" | 48,580 |- bgcolor=EEEEEE | colspan="3" align="right" | '''無效票''' || colspan="3" align="left" | 1,767 |- bgcolor=EEEEEE | colspan="3" align="right" | '''投票率''' || colspan="3" align="left" | 61.78% |} == 家族背景 == 祖父母以[[殯葬]]產業,當時魏家經常免費幫助貧苦民眾辦理喪葬,廣結善緣,奠定魏木村、魏東河兄弟轉戰政壇的基礎<ref name="出身政治世家"/><ref>{{cite news | author = | url = https://tw.appledaily.com/headline/daily/20051115/2203339/ | title = 女民代出身政治世家 | publisher = [[蘋果日報 (台灣)|蘋果日報]] | date = 2005-11-15 | language = zh-TW}}</ref><ref name="魏家三兄弟">{{cite news | author = | url = https://news886.wordpress.com/2014/09/02/%E9%AD%8F%E5%AE%B6%E4%B8%89%E5%85%84%E5%BC%9F%E9%AD%8F%E5%98%89%E8%B3%A2%E3%80%81%E9%AD%8F%E5%98%89%E5%BD%A5%E3%80%81%E9%AD%8F%E9%88%BA%E6%99%9F%E4%BB%8A%E7%99%BB%E8%A8%98%E5%8F%83%E9%81%B8/ | title = 魏家三兄弟魏嘉賢、魏嘉彥、魏鈺晟今登記參選 | publisher = [[花蓮新聞雲]] | date = 2014-09-02 | language = zh-TW}}</ref>。 *大伯[[魏木村]]:曾任[[花蓮市長]]。 *父親[[魏東河]]:曾任[[花蓮縣議員]]。 *母親[[林珉慧]]:曾任[[花蓮縣議員]]、花蓮市民代表。 *姐姐[[魏如薰]]:曾任花蓮市民代表<ref>{{cite news | author = 許家寧 | url = http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20160818005618-260407 | title = 奧步?陳年舊案被挖出 魏嘉賢姊泣勿傷無辜 | publisher = [[中國時報]] | date = 2016-08-18 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180825002608/http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20160818005618-260407 | archive-date = 2018-08-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref>。 *弟弟[[魏嘉彥]]:現任[[花蓮縣議員]],曾任花蓮市民代表<ref name="魏家三兄弟"/>。 *弟弟[[魏鈺晟]]:現任花蓮市民代表<ref name="魏家三兄弟"/><ref>{{cite news | author = 王錦義 | url = http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/local/paper/1048156 | title = 兩個弟弟質詢哥哥 20議題不放水 | publisher = [[自由時報]] | date = 2016-11-03 | language = zh-TW | access-date = 2018-08-24 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180825002620/http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/local/paper/1048156 | archive-date = 2018-08-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref>。 == 參考資料 == {{Reflist|2}} == 外部連結 == {{Commons cat|Wei Jia-xian}} *[http://www.hualien.gov.tw/content_edit.php?menu=1765&typeid=1934 花蓮縣花蓮市公所-市長專欄-認識市長] *{{facebook|sunwei038563787}} *{{Instagram|weijiaxian_hualien}} [[Category:中國國民黨黨員]] [[Category:花蓮縣議員]] [[Category:花蓮市市長]] [[Category:魏姓|JIA]] [[Category:1978年出生]] [[Category:中國國民黨中央委員會委員]] [[Category:慈济科技大学校友]] [[Category:国立东华大学校友]]
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